View Full Version : Shiver Me Timbers! It?s Pirate Daze in There

09-11-2015, 04:20 PM
https://therevirtualworld.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/tftpirate.jpg?w=620 (https://therevirtualworld.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/tftpirate.jpg)Avast, me hearties! Saturday,*September 19th*is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. The cannons be blastin’ as th’ filthiest holiday of the year kicks off a week of debaucherous celebration in There for Pirate Daze (http://blog.there.com/2015/09/11/pirate-daze-in-there/).
Calling all ye wenches, scallywags and landlubbers to join in the celebratin’! Pirate Daze in There (http://there)starts Friday, September 18th and the party will go until we set sail for the high seas again the following weekend. We’re hankerin’ for a good ole time, and we know how t’ give it too, check out all of the Pirate Daze events (http://webapps.prod.there.com/eventmgmt/fulltextsearch?Fulltext=pirate) planned for you!

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More... (http://blog.there.com/2015/09/11/shiver-me-timbers-its-pirate-daze-in-there/)