View Full Version : Island Games Meeting Notes

03-29-2016, 07:06 PM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12360106_589195377922691_249181272298357634_n.jpg? oh=7cd5c43b12d2b3becd1aa4334d67699a&oe=578E7AA2

Island Games 2016 Planning Meeting 3/24/16

1. The 2016 Island Games will take place from Saturday, May 14th - Sunday, May 22nd. This will give us two weekends for events.

2. We decided to have six teams this year:


3. The Island Games Invite List will be used as the 'sign up' group.

NOTE!!! The Island Games Invite List is to be used for Island Games ONLY! Please do not use this group for any other events.

I will be verifying that everyone on this list wants to play - if you are in the group and do not plan to play, just quit the group! I will be contacting you directly to make sure you are going to participate, and I hope you do! There will be a deadline by which you must sign up, and accept the invite to the team you were randomly assigned to.
I will take steps to ensure that what happened to Team Ootay last year does not happen again!

4. Hosts! If you plan to host, you need to be in the Island Games host group:
In order to host, you MUST be playing on a team in the Island Games, and in the Island Games Invite List group.

Thank you all for helping plan the 2016 Island Games!!

Susan & Orielle