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04-12-2017, 09:17 PM
We’ve got good news! Our members have been asking for more affordable 20-Acre Neighborhoods since the dawn of New There (http://www.there.com) and we are excited to announce that we have*released a limited amount of smaller hoods that will be available in the Auctions over the next few weeks.
We’ve removed some of the larger 100-Acre Neighborhoods and replaced them with a couple of 20-Acre hoods (https://webapps.prod.there.com/items/browse?ProductHierarchyId=1000000510) to increase our small hood supply. There are now just shy of a dozen new small waterfront Neighborhoods spread throughout Aurora, Kansas and Comet with one unique landlocked lavender field 20-Acre hood on Aurora.
All of the new waterfront hoods have a rental due date of*June 9th. We will be releasing them a few*at a time over the next four weeks into our Neighborhood Auctions (https://webapps.prod.there.com/items/browse?ProductHierarchyId=1000000510). *Keep an eye out on our blog for Auction announcements for the 20-Acre*hoods.
If you’re interested in one of our 45-Acre (https://webapps.prod.there.com/zones/browse?ZoneType=hood&Fulltext=45-Acre Island&RequiresClub=&ZoneLocation=&Region=&Rentable=&PageSize=200) private Islands or a spacious 100-Acre (https://webapps.prod.there.com/zones/browse?Fulltext=100-Acre&Rentable=&PageSize=200&x=6&y=7)*hood, send a request to feedback@thereinc.com with the *doid to the hood you are interested in and we’ll place it in the Auctions for you so that you can*bid on it. You can find the Neighborhood doid in the description area of the Neighborhood details page or at the end of the Neighborhood URL. It is an eight digit number.
Learn how you can build your own community in There with the Neighborhood*Set-Up Manual (http://downloads.there.com/download/Makena/There/nhmanual07012009.pdf). Build your dream town*and earn monthly Tbux from Lot renters in your Neighborhood. * Invest in Real Estate in There and start your own community of friends and family with your very own Neighborhood in There! *Shop the Auctions for a new*20-Acre (https://webapps.prod.there.com/items/browse?ProductHierarchyId=1000000510) or send an email request for a 45-Acre (https://webapps.prod.there.com/zones/browse?ZoneType=hood&Fulltext=45-Acre Island&RequiresClub=&ZoneLocation=&Region=&Rentable=&PageSize=200) or 100-Acre (https://webapps.prod.there.com/zones/browse?Fulltext=100-Acre&Rentable=&PageSize=200&x=6&y=7) hood to get started.

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More... (https://there.blog/2017/04/10/neighborhood-news/)