View Full Version : There World Themes

07-10-2017, 06:47 PM
Find out what’s going on in There.com (http://www.there.com) and how you can be a part of it! Weekly and monthly planned themed events are happening all throughout There. Visit the one-stop location for all the latest information on upcoming events. Teleport over to the new There Themes and Events HUB (https://webapps.prod.there.com/funzone/funzone?op=view&id=10724712).
At the new location, you will find information on current events and upcoming themes. Try your hand at hosting a themed event. There are billboards on display that provide the name of the Event Coordinator and a keyword for the next upcoming events. You can also participate as a Developer and create new virtual items to sell for special events.
Keep up to date on the latest news with the There World Themes Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThereWorldThemes/) and the new There Themes and Events website (https://theredotcom.wixsite.com/themesandevents).
Weekly Themed Planning Meetings are held every Tuesday evening. Sign up (https://webapps.prod.there.com/funzone/funzone?op=view&id=10724712) for the next meeting and share your ideas for themed events or sign up to host creative and fun events for Thereians to enjoy.

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/therevirtualworld.wordpress.com/3758/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/therevirtualworld.wordpress.com/3758/) https://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?host=there.blog&blog=74451027&post=3758&subd =therevirtualworld&ref=&feed=1

More... (https://there.blog/2017/07/09/there-world-themes/)