View Full Version : There.com Flash Update

05-19-2021, 04:01 PM
https://therevirtualworld.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/fbflash.jpg?w=1024 (https://therevirtualworld.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/fbflash.jpg)In January 2021, Microsoft discontinued security updates and support for Adobe Flash Player. The 3-D virtual world There (http://www.there.com) is a Flash-based game. Microsoft released an update containing a kill switch for Flash resulting in the loss of several game features in There. To enjoy full gameplay in There, a member can download Flash 10.1 and the missing game features will return to normal. The user must understand the security risks (https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/end-of-life.html) involved with the continued use of Adobe Flash.
What are the game features that no longer work in There with the loss of Flash?

Action Bar
Card Tables
Change Me
Fun Finder
Message Notifications
Accepting Therebucks Confirmation
Accepting Items Confirmation
Change Layout Confirmation
Clear Layout Confirmation
Coin Outcome Display
Dice Outcome Display
Event Notification
Instant Messaging
Shortcut Bar
Teleport Screen
Trade Window
Volume Controls

How can I get the Flash features to work again in There?
Microsoft?s update removed Flash from the user?s system. Members of There will need to reinstall Flash in order to gain access to all of the game features in the virtual world. Members will need to understand the security risks involved with using Flash now that Microsoft no longer offers security updates and support. Flash version 10.1 is the suggested replacement. This page offers the older version of Flash that is compatible with all of the game features in There and does not include the kill switch update. It is recommended to run the Adobe Flash uninstaller prior to installing Flash 10.1.
How do I uninstall old versions of Flash on my computer?
There is a possibility that old versions of Flash may still be on your computer even after Microsoft?s update. It is important to remove any trace of other versions of Flash from your computer prior to installing Flash 10.1.
How do I install Flash 10.1 on my computer?

Stop any running programs which use Flash, including Internet Explorer.
Use Firefox or Chrome to Download and run the Flash Uninstaller (https://www.prod.there.com/installerdownloads/InstFlash10AX.exe)
Follow the uninstaller instructions
Reboot your computer

How do I install Flash 10.1 on my computer?

Stop any running programs which use Flash, including Internet Explorer
Use Firefox or Chrome to Download and run the Flash 10.1 Installer (https://www.prod.there.com/installerdownloads/InstFlash10AX.exe)
Follow the installer instructions
Reboot your computer
Log into There and enjoy all of the Flash-based game features

Please report any technical bugs or segmentation violations to Staff by emailing Feedback@thereinc.com. Include your Avatar name, description of the issue and attach any crashdump files (https://webapps.prod.there.com/help/kb588.xml) to your email.

More... (https://there.blog/2021/05/19/there-com-flash-update/)