• Welcome to There Community Help Central

    Welcome to the Help Central Page

    This page will have all of the information that you will need to help you out in there.com. All the information from how to walk, to how to use voice, using your perf knob, etc... Use the category on the left side of the page to see the different articles.

    Interested in being a contributor? Visit the forums under the General Discussion to sign up. The more the merry.

    All of our information we get are from the archives of ThereCare and from the current Help Central page. We try to get as many tips and helpful information as we can.
    About us
    There Community is a family oriented site. As you come on the forums, you have the ability to interact with your friends, and at the same time asking questions or problems. Our site, is based off of vbulletin, that was similar to use in the There.com original forums. We enjoy having members logging on, to see what everyone else is doing. We hope that you all enjoy the site. Thanks for coming.
    Join us