• How to cancel a bid?

    In order to end an auction early, please go into Auctions, then scroll down to My Auctions. In My Auctions, scroll down to 'end an auction early'. On the next page, it will ask for the auction id number, and the reason the auction is being ended early.

    Important! Please note that if there are any bids on the item that would normally win if the auction were allowed to continue to its set end time (reserve price met, etc) ending the auction early will make them the winner. They will get the item, and you will get the Therebucks of the high bid.

    Please be very careful when ending auctions early.
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    Free Spirit Festival

    Photo credit B_A_B_SGrab your tie-dye shirt and your hippie pants and get ready to feel the groove because the Free Spirit Festival is back, spreading

    ThereCommunity 04-14-2024, 06:20 PM Go to last post
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