• Command List

    Command Action
    /actionbar /ab Display ActionBar
    /actionmode /am Switch to Action Mode
    /activity /flag List an activity
    /alltags /tags /allnames /names Show all visible nametags
    /arcade Turn on arcade mode while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /auctions /auction /ac Open auctions page
    /avsearch /avatar Open avatar search page
    /barrel Take out a barrel while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /bids Open bid history page
    /black Use default text color
    /blog /blogs Open blog page
    /body Use body mirror view
    /brightblue Use bright blue text color
    /brightgreen Use bright green text color
    /brightred Use bright red text color
    /brown Use brown text color
    /burgundy Use burgundy text color
    /cam Toggle UserCam+
    /changeme /cm /wear Open ChangeMe
    /chatgroup /aj Toggle Auto-Join Chat Groups (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /chathistory /log /ch Open chat history
    /colview Show collisions
    /commercehistory /th /thist Open transaction history page
    /communicator /com Open Communicator
    /compass /c /minimap Open compass or minimap
    /completed /compl Open completed auctions page
    /crate Take out a crate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /cruisecontrol /cc Toggle cruise control
    /darkblue /blue Use dark blue text color
    /darkgreen /green Use dark green text color
    /darkorange Use dark orange text color
    /darkred /red Use dark red text color
    /darkyellow Use dark yellow text color
    /date Say the current date
    /designer /designs Open developer auctions page
    /dev Open developer home page
    /edge /ver /version Open ThereEdge settings page
    /emote /emotes Turn on mimic emote mode
    /events Open event schedule page
    /exit Exit There (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /face Use face mirror view
    /favorite /add Add favorite place
    /finishgate /fg Take out a finish gate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /first Use first person view
    /forcefield /ff /f Toggle forcefield
    /forum /forums Open member fan sites page
    /fps Show FPS and PPS hud
    /gate Take out a gate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /goto Open real estate page
    /grandstand /gs Take out a grandstand gate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /gray /grey Use grey text color
    /handsfree /hf Toggle hands free
    /happening /hn /now Open Happening Now page
    /hide Hide huds
    /high /3 Use high zoom view
    /home Teleport to your home location
    /ignore Open ignore dialog
    /im Open IM dialog
    /joinrace /join /race Join the current race (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /labels Show object labels
    /leaverace /lr /l Leave the current race
    /local /debug /localhost Open system cockpit page
    /lod Adjust LOD distance delta
    /logout /bye Log out of There (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /low /1 Use low zoom view
    /map Open map
    /medium /2 Use medium zoom view
    /music Toggle music
    /mute Mute audio
    /myitems Open auction items page
    /nearesttags /nearestnames Show 10 nearest nametags
    /neartags /nearnames Show all nearby nametags
    /nocolview Hide collisions
    /noemote /noemotes Turn off mimic emote mode
    /nofps Hide FPS and PPS hud
    /nolabels Hide object labels
    /noquality Use normal render settings
    /nospeech Hide speech waveform
    /notags /nonames Hide all nametags
    /nozones Hide zone boundaries
    /orange Use orange text color
    /organize /o Open Organizer
    /perf /pk Open performance knob manager page
    /photo /pic Take photo
    /pink Use pink text color
    /places Open real estate page
    /profile /pf Open profile page
    /purple Use purple text color
    /quality Use high performance render settings
    /ramp Take out a ramp gate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /random /rnd Say a random number
    /record Record while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /results /rr Open race results (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /review /reviews /r Open developer reviews page
    /seller /sales Open sales page
    /settings Open settings
    /shop Open Shop Central page
    /show Show huds
    /speech Show speech waveform
    /standard /0 Use standard view
    /startgate /sg Take out a start gate while track building (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /status /avman Open avman status page
    /summon /sm /get Open summon dialog
    /super /4 Use super zoom view
    /tbux /tb Open Therebucks purchase page
    /teal Use teal text color
    /time /t /tt Say the current time
    /undo /goback Undo last teleport
    /unmute Unmute audio
    /url Open the last URL typed in chat by anyone
    /var Set environment variable
    /viewscale /vs Adjust view scale
    /voice /v Toggle voice chat
    /voicetrainer /vt Open voice trainer page
    /volume /vol Open volume control (Does not work while in Action Mode)
    /weather Toggle weather
    /web Open the client browser
    /whoami Say the avatar's name
    /world /5 Use world zoom view
    /worldchat /wc Open world chat
    /xsl Open profile page without stylesheet
    /yellow Use yellow text color
    /zones Show zone boundaries


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    There Community is a family oriented site. As you come on the forums, you have the ability to interact with your friends, and at the same time asking questions or problems. Our site, is based off of vbulletin, that was similar to use in the There.com original forums. We enjoy having members logging on, to see what everyone else is doing. We hope that you all enjoy the site. Thanks for coming.
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