Image Credit: Fatjohn

The Bay Area Boat System (B.A.B.S.) club celebrates its 12th anniversary in There this month! To honor this celebration the B.A.B.S. group is holding special anniversary events September 15th through the 19th.
The B.A.B.S.*group supports a network of large landing towers and outposts throughout There. The towers allow big groups of guided hoverboat tours to easily island hop from one location to the next. B.A.B.S.throws regular events and everyone is invited. You can pilot your own hoverboat or relax and enjoy the scenic view from the passenger seat.
The B.A.B.S. group was founded on September 23, 2004 by Thereian LossAngeles. It holds over 500 members and hosts regular events in There. The is so extensive, it has three sub-groups consisting of the B.A.B.S.Flight Captains, B.A.B.S.Host Captains and the B.A.B.S.Outpost Community.
Don’t miss the big anniversary party on Monday, September 19th and the fun events leading up to it. B.A.B.S. has quests, bingo and cross-country racing and other exciting*events planned for the celebration.
