Halloween is a hauntingly *good time of year in the virtual world There.com. Our Designers have endless ghoulish imaginations and have created spooky and grisly virtual items for our community to decorate with during the Halloween season. If you are planning on building a haunted house, outdoor bloodbath, creepy cemetery or a scary scene, we’d like to invite you to enter your Zone in the 2016 Halloween Decorating Contest for the chance to win a Spooktacular gift.
There will be tours*set up of participating locations between October 26th and 29th. Three anonymous judges will visit all of the locations and vote for their top three favorite Spooktacular spaces. A Halloween*gift will be available for those participants that take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. As an added prize bonus, all contest participants will have their names submitted in a dice roll for the chance to win a gift. The dice roll and contest winners announcement will take place at the Spooktacular Halloween Party on October 29th. Contest participants to not have to be present at the party to be accounted for in the dice roll. This year’s contest and Spooktacular Halloween Party is hosted by Coolnet560.
Good luck to all of our participants! Thanks for sharing your creativity with our community

